
Unexpected Status

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munemune's avatar

Literature Text

Unexpected Status

The world was saved, the lovers united, the credits roll.  That's how tales end.  The story is never over, though.  Just because Squall and his group of friends had gone above and beyond the call of duty of most SeeDs, didn't mean they were just retiring to some villa in a tropical town or something like that.  They still had responsibilities.  In fact, since then, they had more than ever.  Squall was actually happier than ever, thank s to Rhinoa and the lessons he gave to rising young pupils in the garden.  Selphie and Irvine hadn't been around as often, since the transfer student oversaw her home Garden's reconstruction.  Zell had decided to stay active as a mercenary… still not a sharp thinker, but able to get out of most trouble with "these fists o' mine!" as he would say.  Quistis was perhaps the most unchanged… she was granted her old teacher's role, but with added perks and privileges.  And even Laguna had worked with his science division to find a way to get all the benefits of using a GF with none of those horrible side effects.

Of course, just because things were going well, didn't mean that minor adventures didn't pop up now and again…

Selphie had dropped by, curious to learn a little more about some battle abilities.  Squall was too busy to be party leader, but Rinoa was glad to get out of the garden for a day.  Quistis volunteered to show off her encyclopedic knowledge of monsters and skills to teach her friends.  It was something she enjoyed, since it usually was followed by rounds of praise and despite her apparent modesty, she did have a bit of an ego.  Who wouldn't, having a fan club, being one of the best card players in Balamb, among numerous other achievements?

"So, Selphie," Quistis started now that they were in the field.  "You said this GF ability you're using doesn't work.  Perhaps you're not using it right."  She swapped the GF for one of her own, and could see what the summon could do.

"Maybe…. But I never got it to work yet!  It's a super duper mega bummer!" she sighed.  Rinoa giggled as Selphie looked cute as she got upset.

"It's this one, right?  Devour?" Quistis asked. Selphie's nod confirmed it.  "I've used this one before.  It lets you eat monsters for health, or even some particular rare ones for strengthening your attributes!  It's very useful.  But it only works on a weakened monster."

"Oh… that explains everything.  I hadn't tried that yet." Selphie blushed a little and looked sheepish, feeling embarrassed now that such an obvious reason never crossed her mind.  Rinoa patted her on the head. "Don't worry, some of this stuff I swear you'd need a guide book to understand.  But I'm sure Miss Trepe wouldn't mind giving a demonstration, right?"

Quistis blushed for a second.  "What, you mean…" she didn't mind being a teacher, but Devour was such a strange ability, she didn't like being watched when she used it.    "I guess I could…" she said, quickly regaining her composure.  She grabbed her whip and smiled.  "Yes, yes I will.  What lesson would be complete without one?"  She peered around the open field until something caught her eye.  "That Blobra will do just fine.  First…" she said, starting to cast some magic at it. "We must weaken it.  Demi will do nicely, a few castings of that will get it nice and weak."  The black warping magic soon surrounded the jiggling slime monster, rocking it and removing a lot of its fighting vigor.  Quistis kept up the magical barrage, and even the creature's elastic punching was brushed off.  The teacher managed her attributes very well, her defenses high despite no visible armor.  "Now…. We use Devour!"  She rushed over, and with a surprising amount of agility and a bit of magic help, wrapped her lips around the blue slime mold and sucked.  The fanged creature's gold eyes widened for a bit, but Quistis inhaled it like it was a gelatin desert.  Cheeks bulged, and her tummy swelled, as the girl worked on leaving no remains.  She eventually finished it off, turned to her companions and gave her distended belly a pat.  A magical glow appeared over her, and they could see she didn't need curing: the meal had done that.  "See?  It's –burp- easy!"

Rinoa laughed a little. "And gross.  How can you eat that?"

"Maybe if it had a cuter name, it wouldn't be so bad.  Like… Pudding or Flan?"

An eye roll with another belch came from Quistis. "Please.  Who could ever mistake that blob of goo for real flan?  Besides, the magic of Devour makes it tasty.  The belly goes fast." She said, giving her bouncy Blobra –filled tummy a pat.  It jiggled just as much as the beast that filled it… but it did not shrink.  She slapped it again. "…any second now."  But nothing happened.  If anything, it felt tighter.  It still quaked and rippled.

It took a moment, but her stomach did shrink.  But now that same stomach felt terrible.  "My belly aches…" she remarked a bit, rubbing her stomach with one hand and her temples with another.  Quistis looked up, to see Selphie gasping.  Rinoa pointed, not sure how to say it politely.  Quistis turned her head to see what was behind her.  And that's exactly what she saw.

Her behind.  It was enormous.  Each cheek of hers pushed out her clothes to the limit, and it bounced and jiggled as much as her belly did.   She spun a little, craning her neck to try and take it all in.  Her eyes were wide.  Her ass was wider.  She now was twice as wide due to it, and she gulped.  "W-w-what's this?!  Why is my ass so… so... HUGE?!"  She looked to her friends for an answer, but they could say nothing.  Selphie meekly shrugged her shoulders.  Quistis started to speak.  "It had to be tha-ouuuugh!" Her stomach burbled and she felt like she was kicked.  Her belly surged larger.  It was almost as big as it was from the meal.  But that wasn't the only thing.  Her thighs were fatter too.  Her breasts had swollen up, a bra straining pair of head sized globes.  Even her arms and face were rounder, like she ate éclairs for all her meals.  All of it jiggled with little provocation.  Her hands ran over herself, unbelieving.   Love handles.  A huge rear end.  An equally huge gut.  She, in all her years of teaching battle study, had never even heard of a status like this one.  "W…we need to get back to the Garden.  I need to find out what's wrong with me, and what we can do to cure this.  I feel like –burp- a big water balloon!"  She whimpered, as Selphie and Rinoa braced their arms around her, to help carry that load.  In her current state, Quistis was in no condition to fight.

"I put on Encounter None, so the monsters will ignore us," Rinoa assured her.  They moved slowly, and Quistis motioned a bit. "No, go to the rear of the garden.  I don't want anyone else to see me like this, and my room is closer to that side."  She sighed a bit more.   The pain had died down, but she was just so… big!  She felt drowsy, and was glad her friends were there to help her move back to the flying building.  "We can't tell anyone yet.  I'm sure we can figure it out without ruining my reputation."  The two girls nodded in agreement, as they snuck their big burden into her room.  "We're going to do some research in the library, Quistis.  You just wait here."  The blond pouted her lip out and nodded… She hoped that the two could do the job… Selphie was a bit of a space case, and Rinoa was rather… naïve.  Still… they were her only hope.

"D-don't rush just because of me.  I want an answer, and you might –blurp- over-look it if you're too hasty."  She said, as the two left.  She grunted, shifting into her bed.  "I might as well nap while they do that… I'm just so tired…"  She sighed a little, closing her eyes and hoped rest cure her… or at least make her feel better.

Hours passed.  The dynamic duo came back to the teacher's room, and looked around.  There were wrappers from prepared food strewn about, as well as numerous empty plates and crumbs.  It was like a party was held in Quistis's place while they were gone, and she hadn't invited them.  They stepped around the refuse as best as they could, getting back to Quistis's bed room.  A shocked gasp emerged from them.  "Quistis!!"

The blonde was loafing in a lazy sitting position upon her bed, an arm stroking her utterly stupefying belly.  It was larger, far larger, than when they had left.  The other arm was helping her chug a two liter bottle of Boco Cola.  She emptied it and tossed the bottle down, a massive belch erupting from her.  "H…hi, girls.  Did you two find any answers?"

Selphie was agape.  "How about an answer to THAT!"  She pointed her arm to Quistis's belly, as if she needed help finding it.  It was so big, Quistis had to sit with her legs spread, lest she hurt her thighs and knees.

Quistis rose from the bed, shakily standing.  She wobbled forward a bit, turning to face Selphie.  Her belly knocked a lamp off a night table. She sighed.  "While you were gone, I tried to sleep.  That… didn't work.  I got hit by this… pounding hunger.  I had to eat.  I cleaned out my fridge… and ventured out to the Cafeteria.  Not many people there, but…" she grunted, her knees buckling for a moment, the belly lurching dangerously close to the ground.  "… well, I bowled over Zell... I was just so hungry; I bet I would have forced him into the infirmary if I hadn't knocked him out.   He didn't get any hot dogs.  I… cleaned them out.  I ventured back here as fast as I could, and just ate and ate… it… all …"

Her breath was quite labored, and it seemed standing was a huge problem for her.  She was tugging at her collar, like it was digging in too tightly.  Her face was flush.  She was sweating.  "N..Now… about those answers…"

Rinoa sighed a bit.  "We couldn't find anything.  We checked over every status ailment book and monster guide they had… over and over." She poked at Quistis in a testing manner.  That belly was just unreal. "What are we going to do…?"

Quistis's stomach bounced and gurgled in response.  "We have to see Dr. Kadowaki.  S-she's the only one who can huuuuuurrp me." She admitted.  Her secret was already a bit out thanks to the run in with the Cafeteria.  She would just hope the wry natured doctor wouldn't be too teasing.  "I'm goin-going to need your help carrying all thi…ohugggghhhhhh!!" She grunted.  That pain!  The one from before!  She didn't trust it one bit, now that it was back!  Her clothes creaked.  "It's *grunt* happening agaaain…!" she let out.  Her stomach surged even bigger.  Her backside started growing, and her legs thickened.  Her breasts pushed up higher, bigger, blocking her view a bit.  She held her arms out, afraid of falling over.  Selphie and Rinoa rushed to her aid, holding her up, but she was getting heavier with each moment.  It wasn't long before she was practically the size of four Quistises thanks to how far she stuck out in either direction.  "Let… Let's hurry!" she whined.  
Selphie stuck out her tongue.   "You need to watch your junctions.  You got way too much Thundagas in your thighs!"  Rinoa slapped her in the back of the head for Quistis, making the peppy one wince and say ow.  They tried walking Quistis along, getting her out of the dorm.  Her huge hips nearly got stuck in the doorframe, but she was forced through, popping like a cork and landing on her gelatinous belly.  "H…help…" she gasped out through plump cheeks.  For a bit the two fought, but they couldn't right her.  Quistis's rotund body was too much for them.  "Should we get help?"

       Quistis's face turned red as a Bomb.  "No!  W…we can manage just fine.  Just roll me if you have to!"  She definitely wanted no other students to see her like this.  Selphie got near her feet, and Rinoa tried to push her along from the side, getting her going.  It worked, and once they got going, was actually faster than the laborious pigeon-toed waddling she had done prior.  Quistis grunted and burped quietly, the rolling jostling and shaking her up.  She was embarrassed, but it was all she could.  She was near helpless.

       Getting to the Infirmary, they pushed her onto one of the beds while explaining the situation to the remarkably cool headed doctor.  Eventually they did, steel beams creaking under Quistis's weight.  "And that's what happened, doc.  She ate that Blobra, and now she's all like this."

       Quistis urped quietly.  "Dr. Kadowaki… what's happened to me?"

       The doctor looked to the ground, and quietly hummed to herself.  She eventually looked up.  "Well… I'll give you the good news.  No, you won't die.  And no, it's not a status ailment.  I've seen this before."

       Selphie was speechless.  Rinoa looked at the doctor like she was lying.  "Wait, if it's not a status effect, then what IS it?"

       "Well…" the Doctor continued… "You know how some people can't eat peanuts, or live with cats?"

       Quistis went wide-eyed.  "You… you mean…"

       Dr Kadowaki nodded her head.  "Quistis, you're… well, allergic to Blobra.  I'm not surprised, it's a common allergy.  They aren't made of pudding, after all."

       Quistis nodded her head… or would have, if mobility wasn't such an issue.  It all made sense.  The constant swelling, the labored breathing, the body's demand for more food to fight it.  "S… so that means the only cure…"

       "-is to wait for the swelling to go down by itself." The doctor said with a chuckle.  "You'll be okay, Quistis, the only reason you're so bad is because you had so much at one time.  If you'd like, I can take a blood test later, to find out what else you have an allergy to?"

       Trepe groaned and rubbed herself as best as her thick arms would let.  "I… I don't think I'll be using Devour anytime soon.  But… thanks…. All the same…" she hiccupped.  She motioned a finger towards the doctor, and Kadowaki stepped closer until Quistis could whisper something in her ear.

       "But… find out what those two are allergic to.  I think it's only fair I not suffer alone…"
Well, here's a story I worked on. This is a present to :iconaxel-rosered:, a man who does so much for so many. He deserves it! The idea was his, I simply wrote it up and gave it back to him.

That's right, it's fan fiction! Quistis gets inflicted with a strange status, and her, Selphie, and Rinoa must figure out what it is and why it's inflicting the way it does!

Be sure to leave comments. Tell me your favorite part! Anything! I love comments!

Also, let the records show that I am not fond of MS Word and DA's formatting insanity.
© 2010 - 2024 munemune
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motusobscuri's avatar
This is quite a humorous story. I have no idea who these characters are or were they come from but I found the story itself to be rather original and the ending a nice surprise. Good job on the writing.